
We Can Help You Save Thousands Of Dollars When Buy A Home

When you buy a home, unless youre paying with cash, you're going to have to get a mortgage.  When you get a mortgage, you will have to put down a certain amount of money - anywhere from 3%-20% for most loans.

What many buyers don't realize is that when they go to close on the sale of the home, they will need more than just that down payment.  There are closing costs involved, and a lot of those costs are tied to the mortgage.  Many lenders will charge an origination fee, which is usually 1%  of the loan amount.  So if you're getting a mortgage of $350,000, that would roughly be an additional $3,500 you would need to pay at closing.  There are other fees as well.  Many lenders will charge an application fee, processing fees, and underwriting fees.  That could bring that total of additional cash needed at closing to $5,000 on that $350,000 loan.

What's the solution?  Find a lender that doesn't charge those fees.  We know just the right lender.

Keller Mortgage

Let me begin by telling you that I receive no compensation for referring you to a lender.  They do not offer me money, not would I take any money if it was offered.  

I make my money when you buy a home, and helping you save thousands of dollars at closing makes it more likely that you will use me to help you purchase a home.

Keller Mortgage is mortgage company owned by Keller Williams.  

They do not charge origination fees.

They do not charge application fees

They do not charge processing fees

They do not charge underwriting fees.

You may be thinking that there must be a "catch".  

The only "catch" with Keller Mortgage is that they only work with Keller Williams agents.  They are here to help us sell more homes by helping our clients save money.  When Keller Williams agents sell more homes, Keller Williams makes money, and therefore Keller Mortrgage makes money.  It's as simple as that.  They don't need to charge those fees because their goal is to help us sell homes.  The goal of most lenders is to make the most money that they can on a mortgage.

In the end, you reap the benefits.  By using Keller Mortgage many of my clients

have saved over $5,000.  

Contact us and I'll help you get started.

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